07 January 2008

Quasi Mute Monday

This is one of those days when I could leave my camera on a tripod and just keep shooting because it is changing so fast....

Severe storm warnings but it's 41 degrees

pretty ominous...

but Pretty!

Do you recognize these faces??

...always got one eye open...in case anyone goes into the kitchen

Do you recognize this face?

If not, it's because the mainstream media has devoted 18% of it's headline space to him...as opposed to 94-96% to Hillary/Obama...
What are they so worried about?


A.Fanny said...

Them clouds just dumped on us and they gonna dump on YOU! It was glorious!

As for Edwards - the condition of the press is the ominous thing!

moi said...

Fudkin' hell. Sun was shining what, two hours ago? Now it's snowing so hard, it's making noise on the roof. Nice photos, though. I'm gonna go make like the Wuppies soon, Moiself.

Ha. The Press. I regard the word loosely.

Wicked Thistle said...

Ooh, so pretty! NM weather is so...*visible.* You can look 50 miles down the road around here without even squinting and see whether or not you need to get your wellies out. It's a glorious thang.

Natalie Dessay rehearsing in Santa Fe 2008

Sempre libra Millenium park 2008

La Sonnambula Finale

Dessay in Santa Fe