27 March 2009

Ah spring, Always a suprise

So, to make up for my negligence I will do 'news in review'.
(I have no good excuse except that I actually have been writing, really, I mean it.)

These two characters have been hanging around Grousemoor Manor Loving Home To Strays for the past couple of weeks. They seem very docile and sweet, both have collars, don't come close to the house, sleep at the end of the driveway and drive my dogs --NUTS.

Most newsworthy: After literally months of drought ...we have SNOW!

A silent, small world of white, rather like living in a snow globe.

we were warned (as we have been before...for nuthin'). Then, it started last night and has now been snowing for over 12 hours--not heavily but steadily. I'm guessing I have 4-7"

Do you see that huge mountain behind my house? do ya? Gone. Miguel the Mountain Stealer, uh huh. S'True.

Now, perhaps the green will continue to grow. (Anything green will do, I'm not picky).


On the financial front, I continue to bleed savings but still needed to take my car for a 74,000 mile servicing and instead succumbed to the way-over-due and important 60,000 mile Major treatment. Halfway through John came out to tell me that "once again" I had Rodent damage-major rodent damage, A/C compressor wires,throttle cable,and drive belt!!!

After showing me the nests and damage, he suggested I speak with other East Mountain residents about obtaining a bottle of rodent deterring Bobcat urine!? Yes, Bobcat Urine.

(at that moment I think I might have been able to provide a gallon jug of Pather Piss,but refrained.)

Instead, I decorated my shiny clean engine block with moth balls and Bounce Fabric sheets.

"Life on the Prairie ain't for sissies."
(somebody must have said that)


PS 1230 PM ... the sun'll come out...
and Miguel returned MacBean Mountain!

PPS 24 hours later, poof! Spring has changed her mind again.

Yay! Sun.


A.Fanny said...

#$%^&*()_! I just sent your blog to my pest control friend. Let's see what he says. Meantime, enjoy the snow - no wonder the little buggers took refuge!

moi said...

Bobcat urine? Seriously? Huh.

How did I miss this post with its lovely snow photos? Most probably because I was playing with puppies IN the snow :o).

"I'll take anything green." Uh, yup.

Those canines still hanging around? They look like happy wanderers to me – not lost, just independent.

Natalie Dessay rehearsing in Santa Fe 2008

Sempre libra Millenium park 2008

La Sonnambula Finale

Dessay in Santa Fe