08 May 2009

Spring is creeping out all over

Because of the profound lack of precipitation, Spring has begun with a whimper and not a bang. Tufts of grass and weeds are struggling to push through the dry prairie and in the past few days (since it's now in the 80's), I've seen some tiny flowers staring to bloom.
These white flowers look like tissues on the lawn (and I use that term loosely) at dawn and dusk,then they schrivel up.
And song birds have begun singing as well as this handsome fella.
I see you see me.

Another year, another new start.


A.Fanny said...

Look at that guy1 Maybe Moi will tell us what it is. See, junk scuptures have important uses!

moi said...

I couldn't click on the birdy for an enlarged view but I'm 99.9 percent sure that's an American Kestrel (a small species of falcon). I had one at the feeder a couple weeks ago. NEVER seen one before, although they're prevalent in these parts. Yay! Nice spotting and photo-taking!

Natalie Dessay rehearsing in Santa Fe 2008

Sempre libra Millenium park 2008

La Sonnambula Finale

Dessay in Santa Fe