09 June 2009

Ta Da (trumpets)

It's official, 14 minutes ago The Lady of the Loch received her first ever self published Novel.

To be sure it is the "proof" and now some serious work must begin. But still, I am holding in my own chubby little fingers and purring like a great cheshire cat --a blooming book of my own creation.


A.Fanny said...

Congratulatons - it looks gorgeous! But don't sleep with it - the doggies might get jealous!

Doris Rose said...

...actually, I did put it on the bedside table (blush)

Unknown said...

Absolutely Fabulous YRH!!!!

I am truly awed, and proud to call you friend :>)

Your servant,
the Duckness of Warner

moi said...

I have so much to catch up with with you – but this is tops. Fabulous! They did a great job with the binding and cover art, too. Congrats! I can't wait to get tucked into it!

~MAGILL~ said...

well its about time the publishers acknowledge the greatness of HRH Doris aka ''Barrett ''

Natalie Dessay rehearsing in Santa Fe 2008

Sempre libra Millenium park 2008

La Sonnambula Finale

Dessay in Santa Fe