21 August 2009

End of August already??

Alright, I have been negligent. Perhaps a little lazy. Or...maybe I have been putting my words elsewhere, yeah...that's it, elswhere.

Anyway, I should be packing or cleaning or getting ready,because I will taking off early tomorrow to go to visit family in Wisconsin (especially these two little monkey's)

(That was taken about 20 years ago, but who's counting.)
It will be a quick visit, but that is what my baby brother wanted for his birthday. So Be It.

In my absence, I will be leaving the Manor in the capable hands of the Senior Security Rodent,Pierre.
(Be afraid, be very afraid...he's packin')

For the late news: We actually had about a week of daily rain which was very welcome, but that was the middle of July-none since.

As a result, I found a most surprising new addition to the prairie flora...

What? what the heck...

oh my gosh! edibles! or maybe not.

I beleive this is the first Fungii I have seen in the desert. Brave little things, I saw about 6-7 pushing out of the dirt. Then a week later they were all dried up.
The Prairie gives and the Prairie takes away.

See you when I get back, or in a month.

1 comment:

moi said...

Jeez, just sneak off why don't cha? Last we spoke was what, last week? I'd just checked your blog, too, and it was still my fave Scottish moo cows. Yer sneaky . . . But you can tell me all about it tomorrow night.

Natalie Dessay rehearsing in Santa Fe 2008

Sempre libra Millenium park 2008

La Sonnambula Finale

Dessay in Santa Fe