12 April 2010

Official Announcement

(not sure what these are, but they're always first)>>

I *think* I can safely say that spring has crawled into the high desert. How do I know this? I really don't, but I have good reeasons to believe.

I have seen:

1. 3 robins

2. baby bunnies

3. 3 lizards

4.1 beetle

5. 1 hornet

6.heard 1 grasshopper

7. small tufts of green grass

In addition, I think I've heard a couple of song birds AND...the temps have reached th 70's.

It isn't wise to become overly optomistic until mid May, but I did go outside without boots!

Life is good on the prairie.

It would be better if my car battery hadn't died and if my taxes were finished, but hey, can't have everything.

Thanks for checking in, you two.


Orangeblossoms said...

this optimism is contagious. thanks.

A.Fanny said...

Glad to hear from you - it's like YOU poked you little head out through the soil!

Natalie Dessay rehearsing in Santa Fe 2008

Sempre libra Millenium park 2008

La Sonnambula Finale

Dessay in Santa Fe