This morning the Spa Tech man (Glenn)arrived with his able companion and gazed with frank admiration at the beautimous transformation of the garage... crates and whatnot, notwithstanding. It is now 11:40am and the lads have left for lunch. The pool walls are assembled and they discovered that the floor is not completely level and will require some shims to level it. Funny, it seemed level 6 weeks ago, but we didn't check everywhere. At least we can avoid pouring more cement-gulp.
In order to save myself bunches of dollars, I volunteered to cut and insert the rigid foam insulation into the wall panels which we will be doing when they return, so I had better get my glovies and a serated knife-oh, and a tape measure..."measure twice, cut once".
to be continued...
Oh, mah, gawd! It's looking official and everything!
oh...ma...gawd, too! shape and form are happening! function soon to follow! and i learned a new word today--shims. no idea what they are, but i like it if it means you will get your pool going soon.
i am imagining glug glug sounds...
Absolutly Proleptic
you saw, believed, had vision, faith, ($$$$$.$$) and
Wallah !!! it appeared
video blog of the first swim is required
1. Rhetoric. the anticipation of possible objections in order to answer them in advance.
2. the assigning of a person, event, etc., to a period earlier than the actual one; the representation of something in the future as if it already existed or had occurred; prochronism.
3. the use of a descriptive word in anticipation of its becoming applicable.
4. a fundamental conception or assumption in Epicureanism or Stoicism arising spontaneously in the mind without conscious reflection; thought provoked by sense perception.
5. Pathology. the return of an attack of a periodic disease or of a paroxysm before the expected time or at progressively shorter intervals.
I dunno, but at least you prevented Moi from having to look it up!
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