( I had been alerted to some kind of intruder)

Did you notice how lush and green my property is this year. Remember all those lovely spring flowers from last year?

...oh yes, the Beloved Guard Dog.

I just had to go kiss that velvet ear.
The erudite wanderings and ramblings of the whimsical and retired
What vivid memories that brings back of Murphy vs. Coyote WWF! Them cute furry things are biters, you know. Better watch your back.
One of nature's little surprises, those coyotes. The Ivanator has the scars to prove it. Still, they do make their way quite successfully in the world, don't they?
LOVE the guard doggie! Bring her to LA - we'll keep her busy. Actually, coyotes do come into this town from the surrounding mountains as do bears and other wonders!
oooh. I wanna kiss that velvet ear, too. Can I?
PS I did the meme..... thanks!
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