15 August 2008

l'opera fantastique!

On Wednesday past, Wicked Thistle and Doris Rose MacBean had the distinct pleasure of the annual pilgrimage to the world famous Santa Fe Opera to join our Pagosa friends for a delightful pre-concert picnic and show. They found a table in a small grove near the pavillion and we enjoyed garlic green beans, tomato-mozarella salad, crash hot potatoes, stir fry chicken, gooey lucious chocolate pastry accompanied by a delightful Reisling.

A slight summer sprinkle ended the festivities but we moved to the pavillion as our hosts insisted we take their front row seats for this breathtaking production of Figaro. well...okay...

I have seen a few operas and performed in a few small produtions, but this was far in a way one of the best I have ever seen. The music was divine, the production was unique, visually alluring and memorable. Each performer did a vital and captivating job.

Although the opera is quite long--over three hours, it was so memorable that I am still cought in the *afterglow* of this wonderful experience. I have always liked opera, but as I grow in years and taste-the enjoyment seems to become deeper and richer like a well aged wine. I cannot wait for the next taste.


Wicked Thistle said...

Despite my red eyes and sleep-deprived brain I am thrilled to the tips of my perversely long toes with that opera experience. I never knew I could laugh out loud so many times at an *opera.* And the company, oh, the company...divine! I'm all psyched over opera now.

Anonymous said...

I wish I liked opera, because I love the stories behind the productions, but I never understand the lyrics, so much of the story is lost on me.

However, with a menu like that, I definitely would have gone! I don't know what crash hot potatoes are, but they sound good -- and you know how I feel about chocolate pastries!

moi said...

Yes, the scoop on crash hot potatoes, por favor! Sounds like you all had a wonderful evening and I'm so glad the weather held!

Natalie Dessay rehearsing in Santa Fe 2008

Sempre libra Millenium park 2008

La Sonnambula Finale

Dessay in Santa Fe