07 May 2007

Artsey blithers

Good afternoon, Blogetteers, I'm getting a rather late start today, because I had bidness to do. It was also important that I catch up on what the queen is doing and the proper etiquette when greeting her-since I'm quite sure she will make every attempt to make a quick trip to New Mexico for tea.
The rest of the time I have been working with my Adobe Photoshop, trying desperately to achieve some sort of photographic capability,motivated by looking at the exquisite photos published by Pioneer Woman, I am awed, every morning.
Part of my goal in retirement is to awaken and exercise my artistic muse, who sadly slipped into disuse and neglect, through no fault of her own. I fear that she has aged, a little faster than I, and will therefore require tad more rehab to become fully functional. And I better start before arthritis sets in, and she can't do squat.
The long-term goal would be to earn some money by developing the skills and gifts with which I was born. I have resurrected my bead and wire work (including a fun little anvil and a ball peen hammer), I've learned to knit-and I'm really trying to learn to crochet, and there's always fun things to do with sculpy.
In two weeks, a friend and I will do a mini craft show at one of the local schools (teachers deserve an end-of-the-year treat). Unless I sell out (a girl can hope), I will approach a couple of local shops to see about selling on consignment. If I can sell a few items, I will at least be able to pay for more supplies.
So for today, I am going to include some Photoshop photos for our Ahrtsey-Phartsey segment, from our recent Jemez trip.

1 comment:

A.Fanny said...

WOW! I can't climb them cliffs anymore - but what a trip to peruse the nooks and crannies in the photo! No wonder the ancients climbed up to live in the nooks and built around them. No wonder my friend, Wenger, goes out and paints this stuff. We need to visit him this summer!

Natalie Dessay rehearsing in Santa Fe 2008

Sempre libra Millenium park 2008

La Sonnambula Finale

Dessay in Santa Fe