This looked like a pretty easy job... and by five o'clock; I was

Meanwhile, the electrician came out to give me an estimate for running a 220 line to the equipment shed;which when he quoted me a figure immediately caused spasms of my major coronary arteries, causing me to shriek and clutch my chest. He said that estimate might be off a little bit but it was important to understand that this kind of work was expensive. No shyt. He said I would save several hundred dollars, if I dug the trench myself and I said, otay! I called my neighbor and asked if he would come over and look at it and see if you would be willing to help. I also called find out about renting a trencher which might have been faster-lawsy mercy.

(this is poor Doris'feet)
So today at 7:45 a.m., Bob called and said he was on his way over. I had already called to see about the trencher, and he was going to call me back. I quickly took the dogs out and fed them. I went out and Bob and I started digging; the dirt was not as hard as I expected, and we were able to dig our 30 foot trench in about an hour. (Keep in mind that I had started my coffee but had not had a chance to drink a cup). As Bob and I finished loading his shovels into his truck-Glenn showed up, ready to start the day.
Oo-kay. We reviewed the plan for today and I told him about theestimate from the electrician: he suggested I call a friend that had worked with him and was probably more reasonable.

Cancel Wes. Call Roger.
Finally got my coffee and Cheerios when Glenn came in to tell me that the beautiful redwood boards that I had so meticulously varnished were 2 feet short --I had 10' and not 12'. Crap. Soooo, I grabbed my purse and my dogs and headed off to the hardware store to buy an 8' 2x6' board, 6 x 2 inch lug screws with washers, a gallon of tinted primer and another can of polyacrylic.
When I got back I set about varnishing the wood while the boys went for lunch. I sat down to work on my blog on the phone started ringing; mostly with the new electrician trying to find out what he needed to bring, then to get my address, then to talk to Glenn. It's now three o'clock, electrician has found my house after much to-do (this is the second electrician, who could not follow directions and required a guide on the phone saying where to turn...).

The equipment is in the shed, the trench is dug, the wooden coping and leading edge are attached, the interior is caulked and Kevin thinks the liner will be installed tomorrow. I don't know,I just know there are four men out there doing something and I expect that I will be running to the hardware store, at any minute.( nope-they didn't carry "GFI"s, whew)

Long's 6:00pm, Glenn is gone and the electrician is finishing up And cost twice what he estimated. Tomorrow we'll start putting water in the pool. sigh.
great photos considering the stress
thanks bob!
tomorrow will bring new excitement in a good way
But it looks so groovy! Geesh, girl, you've got a pool in your garage. I mean, how many people can say *that?* You're like a club unto yourself.
Oh, honey, but this is going so much, much better than Moi's project last year. It's the way of home improvement – anything that can go wrong, will. And it will cost about the same as purchasing a small island country. With beach front.
But you'll be swimmin' by the weekend. I just KNOW it. Hang in there . . .
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